Posted in Skincare

The secret to a wrinkle free skin : Silk Pillow Case

30 Effective Home Remedies To Get Wrinkle-Free Skin
Only if this worked!

Who doesn’t want a wrinkle free skin? And what if I say that you can get it overnight. You probably will believe me, right? NO.. Even if you are not a dermatologist, studying high-school science (even if under parental pressure) must have taught you that this is impossible. So the first thing to keep in mind is that no change happens overnight.

Disclaimer 1 : Don’t believe what people tell you on internet without researching in depths about it.

Disclaimer 2 : I have no brand-endorsements, though I would love some. So, if you are just beauty-conscious, read ahead. If you are a brand representative, wink wink 😉

The Pillow Effect

I am not going to recommend creams today. Instead, what I am actually going to tell you is that, you add a few extra lines and wrinkles by sleeping on that cotton pillow, that you have since you were a little kid. Yes, that happens. The friction from the cotton against you skin can add to your lines and wrinkles, and make you age faster. So what is the cure?


The solution : Invest in a good quality silk pillow cover. I know it will be expensive and it does not give any dramatic results, like within a week or so. But it’s still a worthy investment. Why? Two major reasons :- Super smooth Texture & Less Absorbent. Read about it here

Long story short, Silk pillow cover can not only prevent the wrinkles you will get from tossing and turning on a cotton one, it will also prevent frizzy hair. The reason behind this is that silk has a super smooth texture. Hair glides over it, just like your skin will. And this absence (or reduction) of friction means less wrinkles and no morning-frizziness.

In addition to this, silk is not super absorbent. Thus it will not absorb any of your night routine product from your face, and will keep it hydrated all night long. The same rule applies to your hair. It won’t take away the natural oil in your hair keeping them healthy .

It’s all proven by scientists all over the world and I am just stating the obvious. Just keep in mind to buy a good silk pillow case with momme 22 above (it shows that silk is of good quality just like 24 karat gold) Also Mulberry silk is the best silk available in the market now. I have bought The Minimal Co. Mulberry Silk Pillow Case and have no complaints, so you can buy this one too.


I was an amateur blogger. Then I lost my job to COVID and became a professional blogger.

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